Compounds of Polyhedra
Compounds of identical regular solids
two tetrahedra (stella octangula)
ten tetrahedra
five tetrahedra
five tetrahedra (five colors)
five cubes
five cubes (five colors)
five octahedra
five octahedra (five colors)
two dodecahedra
five dodecahedra
ten dodecahedra
six dodecahedra
two icosahedra
five icosahedra
six icosahedra
ten icosahedra
two great dodecahedra
five great dodecahedra
two small stellated dodecahedra
five small stellated dodecahedra
two great icosahedra
five great icosahedra
two great stellated dodecahedra
five great stellated dodecahedra
Pieces of above compounds with edges of surrounding object
two tetrahedra inscribed in cube
tetrahedron inscribed in cube
cube inscribed in dodecahedron
tetrahedron inscribed in dodecahedron
icosahedron inscribed in octahedron
two icosahedra inscribed ocathedron
Compounds of polyhedron and dual
Look under
master index
Virtual Polyhedra
(c) 1996,George W. Hart